Ana Fabre is the kind of professional whose resume seems to have been shaped for TORRE’s expertise: in addition to a strong career as a journalist with almost 23 years of experience, Fabre specialized in corporate communications for entities that focus on legal matters – something invaluable to our company.
In 2008, for example, she was invited to work for the Associação Nacional dos Membros do Ministério Público (National Association of Members of the Public Prosecution Office – Conamp), with the challenge of implementing the communication area for the entity. From then on, Journalism and Law became part of her professional life. She used this specific knowledge to serve one of the most well-known entities – in addition to having diverse and complicated agendas: the national Brazilian Bar Association. She joined the frenetic advisory department of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association, headquartered in Brasília. From there, she went to Rio de Janeiro, where she served as Director of Institutional Communications for the State Court of Justice.
With her entrepreneurial profile, she was partner at a communications company in Rondônia, where she served clients such as the Rondônia section of the Brazilian Bar Association, the Associação dos Magistrados do Estado de Rondônia (Association of Judges of the State of Rondônia – Ameron), the Associação dos Membros do Ministério Público de Rondônia (Association of Members of the Rondônia Public Prosecution Office – Ampro) and the Associação dos Defensores Públicos do Estado de Rondônia (Association of Public Defenders of the State of Rondônia – Amdepro).
When she returned to Brasília, she worked at the Federal Justice Council, the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) and the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). She also decided to study Law and was an intern for judges of the Superior Electoral Court and the Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region.
With a broad and diverse professional experience, she also performed as a TV and radio journalist, including the television channels Globo, Educativa, Cultura, RedeTV!, Rádio Nacional and CBN. In Rondônia, she worked at G1, where she stood out as she came up with the idea (in 2014) of making insertions of the G1 website in TV Globo’s news programs, which gave rise to the national segment “G1 em 1 minuto” (“G1 in 1 minute”).
When her daughter was born and also during the pandemic, she took a break from her journalism career to focus on motherhood. At that time, she ended up specializing in a new area: gender, female self-esteem and ESG practices.