Professional with experience in reporting, press relations and project coordination, Ana worked in the management of crisis in associations representing the legal profession, with expertise in the most varied topics. She has two degrees: she studied Journalism at Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências de Belo Horizonte and Law at Faculdade Milton Campos, with specializations in Criminal Law and Public Law.
While she was in Minas Gerais, she worked in the communication offices of the Association of Judges of Minas Gerais and the Brazilian Bar Association – Minas Gerais Section (OAB -MG) being responsible for the legal content sent by those entities to TV Justiça and to specialized communication means. In Brasília, she worked for the Brazilian Judges Association, where she produced and reviewed content for judges, press service and crisis management.
She worked on the main radio stations in Minas Gerais, such as Itatiaia and CBN, in addition to coordinating the journalism team and being responsible for the implementation strategy of the BandNews FM station, in Belo Horizonte. Reporter, reviewer and sub-editor at the newspaper Estado de Minas, she was a finalist for the ESSO award, having received an honorable mention for her series of reports on the involvement of members of the Public Prosecution Office of Minas Gerais with the so-called slot machine mafia.
In Brasília, she led the team of journalists who prepared radio stories for the Ministries of Health and Agriculture. Back at CBN, she worked as a reporter on the Federal Government, in addition to covering trials in the higher courts.
At Agência de Comunicação FSB, she produced and reviewed legal content related to the Pension Reform, with chatbot programming to assist right holders.