Rodrigo Ledo


Journalist with 28 years of experience, working on several national communication means, specialized in corporate communication and image consulting, with an emphasis on crise management and training. To improve his high-level public relations services, he participated in the Counselor Development Program (PDC, for the acronym in Portuguese) from Fundação Dom Cabral, one of the ten most prestigious business schools in the world, and is currently taking the Specialization Course in Analytical Psychology at Instituto Junguiano de Ensino e Pesquisa

His experience with crisis includes simultaneously working with the media and the three Branches of Government. Some examples were the critical scenarios of the CPIs (Parliamentary Investigation Commissions) faced by clients such as the National Oil Agency (ANP, for the acronym in Portuguese), in the context of the 2009 Petrobras CPI (at the Senate), and by the Government of Goiás, during the 2012 Cachoeira CPI.

The most representative crisis management work involved telecommunications companies (Vivo, Oi, Claro and TIM), when he was involved in the coordination of responses to sixteen Parliamentary Investigation Commissions (Telephony CPIs) at the Legislative Assemblies and Municipal Councils in 14 states. The crisis lasted more than a year, due to the consecutive creation of CPIs in the states.

Prior to being a partner of TORRE, he was the Policy Department Director at FSB Comunicação, one of the largest Public Relations agency in the country. He coordinated compliance with complex regulatory and political issues for public and private clients from various sectors: Boeing, the Ministry of Health, the Government of Acre, Suzlon and parliamentarians from various parties.

In this role, he was also primarily responsible for training (media training) in preparation for crisis situations, having assisted authorities and directors of institutions such as the Internal Revenue Service, the Securities Commission (CVM, for the acronym in Portuguese), the Ministry of Tourism and the Government of the State of Goiás, among others.

Prior to specializing in political and economic issues, he was a reporter at the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies, the Presidency of the Republic and Ministries for communication means such as the iG portal, Gazeta Mercantil and Correio Braziliense.