Thiago Vitale


With 23 years of experience in the market, Thiago is a specialist in corporate communication and in marketing and strategy. He has an Executive MBA from Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC), one of the ten most prestigious business schools in the world.

He worked in the areas of public relations and marketing at the Brazilian Construction Industry Chamber (CBIC, for the acronym in Portuguese), for the PSDB Leadership at the Chamber of Deputies (during the leadership of José Aníbal), at the International Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic (through CDN Comunicação Corporativa) and at the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brasil).

While in charge of communications at Apex-Brasil, he led and developed communication plans for major events, such as the 2014 World Cup (an event during which, thanks to Apex-Brasil, more than 2 thousand entrepreneurs did business, which resulted in more than 500 reports published in national and international media).

He created communication strategies for all clients with whom he had contact, with a vast interface with the third largest corporate communications company in the world, FleishmanHillard, based in New York. The strategies for disseminating Brazil abroad and positioning the country at COP-15 that he developed while working with Fleishman for the Presidency’s Social Communications Secretariat (Secom, for the acronym in Portuguese) were awarded two Stevie Awards, the largest Public Relations award in the world, in addition to an award from Aberje (the Brazilian Business Communication Association).

As a reporter for Valor Econômico and Correio Braziliense, he worked closely with the Judiciary Branch (covering the Superior Court of Justice and the Federal Supreme Court), and with the National Congress, where he covered more than ten CPIs (Parliamentary Investigation Commissions) at the Chamber of Deputies and Senate. He won an Esso Journalism Award, when he published a series of reports on the Guerrilha do Araguaia, and an Ayrton Senna Journalism Award, for editing the children’s section.