Kelly Almeida

Account Manager

A journalist with 15 years of experience, Kelly brings to TORRE her relevant experience in positions and functions related to the public government environment, in addition to her involvement with the press.

Her CV includes stints in the Legislative and Executive branches. In the parliamentary field, she was the communication coordinator for the offices of the Federal Senate and the Legislative Chamber of the Federal District. In the Federal District government, she was head of the Communication Department for the Environmental Sanitation Company (Companhia de Saneamento Ambiental – Caesb) In addition to her experience in politics, she was engaged in the coordination of majority electoral campaigns in the federal capital.

The skills she developed in political and corporate communication, including crisis management, were the result of these positions and also of courses she took at Faculdade Cásper Líbero and Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM). She became a specialist in Image and Reputation Crisis Management.

As a reporter, Kelly worked in the newsrooms of Correio Braziliense, Metrópoles portal, TV Brasília, TV Record and Record News. In a position of greater responsibility, she was editor-in-chief of Portal R7.

With the production of special articles, she won the 2016 CNI Journalism Award, the 2017 Journalism Award in the National and Central-West Regional Web Journalism categories from the Public Prosecution Office for Labor Related Affairs (MPT) and the 1st Federal Police Journalism Award, also in the Web Journalism category. She was also a finalist of the 2022 Journalism Award by the National Transportation Confederation (CNT, for the acronym in Portuguese) as a result of her participation in two articles.

She is currently doing a master’s degree in Communication at Universidade de Brasília (UnB), where she develops a research in the field of Power and Communication Processes, and is a member of the Ponto research group, at Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.